Insurance sales system

That will help you close more B2B2C and Affinity deals

And you won’t have to develop anything, neither you nor your partnersㅤ
seguros embebidos

Tired of not closing deals because you don't have the technology?

More and more non-insurance brands are interested in entering an industry that handles more than 6 trillion euros, taking advantage of the relationship they already have with their customers, offering them the insurance they need at the key moment.

Specific solutions for:

ㅤPlug & Sale Embedded Insurance for your sales systemㅤ develops widgets that can be integrated into all types of websites, allowing you to distribute your products from any digital environment.

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Our low-code, self-service sales system allows you to embed quoting and issuing solutions in any web or digital media.

ㅤMultiply your revenues, reduce your cost of acquisition and take your business to the next levelㅤ


Advantages of our insurance sales system

We are the only embedded insurance deployment solution that makes it easy for you to develop B2B2C/Affinity opportunities without digital effort.

We don’t care about your technological levelㅤ

Just paste two lines of code to have the widgets integrated instantly.

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Gestion de leads avanzada

Advanced lead control

With all the functionalities that will allow you to manage your leads and campaigns.

Cambios autogestionables en tiempo real

Real-time self-manageable modifications

Customize widgets on your own and review changes instantly.

Analisis de datos y seguimiento

Data monitoring and analysis

Keep your statistics at hand and improve widget conversion.

Productos y journeys personalizados 1

Journeys and customizable products

Configure products and flows and offer tailored experiences to each partner.

Some of our Partners


What is an insurance sales system?

An insurance sales system is the set of processes and functions that help the commercial area to manage contacts and provide a correct follow-up of negotiations. This saves time and improves employee productivity.

We are not an insurance sales system, nor do we pretend to be, because we are much better at that.

How does our system work to sell insurance?

Our insurance sales system is developed to gather all the information of your customers in one place. Notes, direct access to their quotes, message thread, email opening, next renewals, sales cycle stage…

Allowing you to reduce time thanks to its automations. Quotation calculations, sending emails, online payments…

You will be able to digitize your business to the maximum.

como funcina crm para seguros 03 min

Benefits of using the system

Although there are many benefits that offers you and each company will give more importance to some or others, these are the most relevant for most of them:

Your employees will have a tool that will improve their efficiency when dealing with tasks.

Your clients will have access to a platform where, if you choose, they will be able to manage everything related to their insurance independently: quote, contract, declare claims, consult receipts…

Finally, they will have what they have been longing for and what your competitors have not yet offered: a 100% digital and automated service.

Thanks to our automation and tracking systems, you will be able to check the activity and interaction of your customers. How many times they have opened the emails, recalculations, budget revision, next renewal…

Sell more with less effort thanks to our automation systems and increase your commissions.

Thanks to our automation systems, you will save time and resources, optimizing your costs or tackling other tasks.

Sending emails, whatsapps, generating tasks, updating stages…. The possibilities are endless.

ventajas de utilizar un software de seguros

Why choose

A valid platform for any business that wants to sell insurance in a profitable and easy way.

Your employees and collaborators will be able to work efficiently, while your customers will have the insurance they want when they really need it, without depending on schedules or third parties. You will give them the option of being totally autonomous in the management of their insurance.

Our solutions are fast and 100% adaptable, regardless:

Discover our features

Whatever functionality you are looking for, offers you the solution. We are much more than:

Our program for selling insurance offers options adapted to all levels of technology and needs of each brokerage or insurance company.

We are the first platform for selling insurance that has managed to digitize from start to finish all the processes of sale and distribution of insurance. From the acquisition to the closing of the sale, including after-sales services such as claims management, collection queries, updating information… replaces insurance software that has been on the market so far and meets the needs of both end customers and insurance intermediaries and insurers.

Our insurance SaaS functionality provides all the services, support and IT resources necessary for brokerages to grow faster and more efficiently.

Get a CRM for insurance that will allow you to efficiently manage relationships with your customers and intermediaries through tasks and alerts.

We have developed the embedded insurance and automation system with which you will be able to sell effortlessly. No matter your size or technological profile, our insurance sales system adapts to all cases.

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