Insurance Saas

For more B2B2C and Affinity agreements

No development, neither from you nor from your partnersㅤ
mejor saas para seguros

Tired of losing deals because you don't have technology?

There are more and more non-insurance companies wanting to access this market that already moves more than 6 trillion euros and benefit from the relationship they already have with their clients, offering them the insurance they need at the key moment.

Soluciones específicas para:

ㅤPlug & Sale Technologyㅤ develops 100% embeddable widgets for any website, allowing you to distribute your products from any digital environment.

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Our low-code and self-manageable technology allows you to integrate quoting and issuance solutions into any web or digital media

ㅤBoost your sales, minimize your cost of acquisition and scale up your business.ㅤ

Why's solution?

Advantages of Saas for Insurance

We are much more than a SaaS for Insurance. In fact, we are the only embedded insurance deployment platform that allows you to develop B2B2C/Affinity opportunities without any digital efforts on your part.

No matter your technological levelㅤ

Just paste two lines of code and you will have your widgets integrated instantly.

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What is an Insurance Saas?

When we talk about Saas, or Software as a Service, we refer to technological solutions that do not require installations to enjoy their functions. The user works with an online tool, so there is no need for downloads and updates.

Applied to the sale of policies, a SaaS for insurance allows to serve customers more efficiently, reducing costs, automating the management of tasks, organizing information… among many other advantages. The result is obvious: the company can afford to increase its client portfolio without having to allocate so many resources, achieving a 100% effective management.

Moreover, in the case of, this Saas is synchronized with marketing tools, creates embeddable quotes on any website, creates and interprets tracking pixels…

Advantages of using a Saas for insurance

We have created the only solution 100% focused on both the end customer and the insurer or broker, also including networks of collaborators and partners that work distributing insurance (such as online stores, marketplaces, service portals…).

And best of all: we have managed to automate and digitize all processes completely, allowing to scale the distribution and sale of policies of any business, both traditionally insurers and non-insurers.

Moreover, thanks to the easy and intuitive development of, anyone will innately know how to use the tool.

Improve your income

Increase your client portfolio, get new sources of acquisition or create a network of collaborators. Our control panel will give you information about your customers' activity and its origin, and you will be able to attend to their needs in an automated and instantaneous way, without depending on schedules, calls or people who have to perform any task or management manually.

Increase your competitiveness

In an increasingly exploited sector, differentiating yourself from your competitors has become a difficult task. In these circumstances, offering your audience a digital system that adapts to their buying habits and responding quickly to their needs will ensure you position yourself ahead of the rest.

Boost customer engagement and satisfaction

Take advantage of the functions offered by our Saas for insurance to give your customer 100% personalized attention, offering them what they need at all times. Renewal notices, complementary policies, tailored offers... Without having to spend time and resources! Our technology will take care of everything for you.

Customize and scale your business

Thanks to our SaaS you will enjoy a digital tool 100% adapted to you. Corporate colors, typography, automations, email content... No one will notice that it is an external solution. You will be able to integrate the tool in any digital support, such as your website. Finally you will be able to serve customers in a scaled and efficient way, allowing you to increase the revenue and size of your business.

Innovate in the industry

Consumer patterns have changed. In the digital age, where more and more users expect to have everything instantly, the insurance industry has not yet gone digital. Why not be among the first to use a SaaS for insurance? Your company would position itself as a reference in terms of online policy sales.

No cost, no development and ultra fast

Discover our features

The options offered by our insurance SaaS are unlimited. No matter your business type or size, adapts to you and helps you sell policies online quickly and easily.

The options offered by our insurance sales system are unlimited. No matter your business type or size, adapts to you and helps you sell policies online quickly and easily.

Our platform for selling insurance is the first one capable of digitizing any part of the process of distribution and sale of policies. Acquisition, sales, after-sales service, claims, collections…

There is currently no other insurance software that solves as many needs as and adapts to any type and size of business. In addition, our functions are designed to solve both the needs of the end customer and the needs of intermediaries and insurers.

Finally it is possible to control and manage interactions with both your customers and your intermediaries in an efficient way. Our CRM for insurance is easy and intuitive, allowing you to set up automated notifications, tasks and management.

Finally it is possible to control and manage interactions with both your customers and your intermediaries in an efficient way. Our software for selling insurance is easy and intuitive, allowing you to set up automated notifications, tasks and management.

Our embedded insurances are adaptable to any web, app or digital support. It will not require any technological development on your part and thanks to its high level of customization and configuration, no one will notice that it is an external solution to your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Definitely yes. Our insurance Saas allows any company to sell and distribute policies in an agile and profitable way. You will save on resources and you will provide your client portfolio with what they really need, offering them a tailored service.

Thanks to our API, you will be able to price online at the moment and the user will be able to complete the contracting process autonomously in less than 5 minutes.

– All types of business activity

– Any size and volume of business

– Adapted to all technological levels

The process begins with one of the main attractions of this software: the user quotes through an embedded insurance that the company has integrated into its website, which gives instant pricing and allows you to hire on the fly.

The data provided by the client will be reflected in your dashboard or administration panel, which will allow you to track and qualify the type of lead in question. You will be able to access the user’s or customer’s information whenever you need it, automate messages and quotes…

In addition, thanks to our development, you will also be able to enjoy other functions:

– Check the source of acquisition of the registration (organic visit to your website, social media campaign, email flow, Google advertising …).

– Automatic alerts when renewal is approaching

– Configure the message templates of your emails and WhatsApp messages

– Manually or automatically change the lead’s stage in the sales cycle

– Review the productivity of your employees or network of collaborators.

Given the increasing level of competition in the sector, differentiating yourself from the rest and gaining reputation can be difficult to achieve. For this reason, betting on actions that improve the shopping experience and provide instantaneousness, better communications, ease of reporting claims and claims … can be very positive.

There is no one rule that applies to all situations and deals, although these are the ones that are most often decisive and that already has:

– Display lead information synchronized with the deal or business opportunity.

– Keep a record and follow up of business opportunities

– Keep a history of the user’s evolution and behavior throughout the sales cycle.

– Enable the management of tarear

– Provide productivity tools

– Offer the option to add customer notes and share with other sales colleagues

– Segmenting

– Manage claims

– Chat in real time

preguntas frecuentes software para seguros

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